Client-Side vs Server-Side Scripting Languages
Scripting languages are introduced to add programming capabilities to the static web pages. It can run either at the Client-side (Front end) in the web browser or at the Server-side (Back end) by the webserver. So, most of the web programming languages are designed to run in one of the two places of the website server-side or client-side. Client-side scripting languages are designed to reduce the workload of server-side scripting languages. For example, the form validation can also be done by the server-side scripting languages but it takes some time to send and retrieve the form data from the server, instead of sending the form data to the server for validation, it can be easily done in the browser itself with the help of client-side scripting languages. As scripting languages, both client-side and server-side scripting languages are translated but not compiled.
The following list provides popular Client-side and Server-side scripting languages used for web application development.
Client-side Scripting languages
- JavaScript
- VB Script
Server-side Scripting languages
- Python
- Ruby on rails
Even though the client and server-side scripting languages are used to generate dynamic web content. Each has distinct functionalities and responsibilities from each other. Following below are the distinct functionalities of the client and server-side scripting language.
Client-side Scripting languages
- It can be directly embedded in the HTML page or can be referred to as an external script file.
- Runs in the web browser of the client after the HTML page is loaded.
- It can’t interact with web servers and databases.
- Based on an Event-driven approach.
- Cannot handle the HTTP request.
Server-side Scripting languages
- It is also directly embedded within the HTML page but it is stored with the extension of a specific server-scripting language. For example PHP, JSP.
- Run by the web server before the HTML page is loaded.
- Mainly for interaction with web servers and databases.
- Based on an Event-driven approach.
- Mainly designed to handle the HTTP requests and responses
We hope that this bird’s-eye view of the client and server-side scripting languages was informative and useful.
If you are looking to develop a Java-based web and enterprise application, then check out our book — Web Applications using JSP
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